Mewsings by Angelicat©











        There is something to be said about the quiet of late night when the only movement is from the slight stir of leaves on the tall trees that line my street.  These older, established neighborhoods also have the vintage globe street lamps that shed soft pools of golden glow onto the sidewalk. It was about one in the morning and before turning in for sleep I leaned out one of my living room windows to enjoy the quiet, the fresh air, and the soft light of the street lamps. Suddenly something small sprang from the bushes growing against the wall of the house opposite. Ah, I smiled to myself. As I guessed, it was the cat who lives further down the street and who is a night-time wanderer. He paused on the steps dividing two sections of lawn and then proceeded to walk gracefully down the six steps to the sidewalk.  Again he stopped, turning his head to look north and then south and only then resumed his slow almost regal walk southward. Upon reaching the next house, he paused and looked up at the lighted porch of the house as if checking for any movement, anyone about. But no, nothing there.  He started his slow walk and again at the next house performed the same ritual...stop, look up at the porch, find nothing...move on.  After watching him repeat his "walk, stop to inspect, then carry on" I lost sight of him but knew that he continued his walk south to his own abode. It was almost as if he were the neighborhood watchman, making sure we were all safe and secure and there was nothing or anyone to disturb the night. I felt I had shared a few intimate minutes with that little furry creature, a solitary cat and me appreciating the silence and the dark.



        I was eating some loquots...four...finished one and walked to the living room to munch on the remaining three...looked out the little front window and down to a white SUV parked in front of my house.  I saw a little bird...don't know if it was wren or sparrow...but it was little and it was hopping here and there on the roof of the car. Then it hopped onto the antenna...about eight inches of antenna was sticking out of the rear roof...and it was so cute to see the little bird balancing
on that little tip of the antenna. I was munching and just watching as the smile on my face got bigger and bigger. Suddenly he opened his wings and flew straight up to the sycamore tree. The branches are not yet full of fresh green leaves...some of the branches are really spindly still...and he settled on one of those very spindly branches...and with the breeze and his light weight, the branch swayed back and forth.  He balanced wonderfully well, as birds tend to do...but he was swinging on that branch, back and forth like a trapeze artist. It was such a precious moment. I felt privileged to watch that little creature as it seemed to enjoy the feeling of swinging freely while balancing on the branch. Then...whoosh! He flew to the sycamore tree across the street and was lost from my view.  But, my oh my, thank you Jehovah and the Logos for creating for our delight such winsome creatures...Seeing them in unexpected ways really brings joy to our hearts.  I am grateful for the beautiful moment.  Oh, and for the loquots too.